How to Choose the Perfect Wallpaper for Your Space 1

How to Choose the Perfect Wallpaper for Your Space

Consider the Room

The first step to choosing the perfect wallpaper for your space is to consider the room where it will be installed. The wallpaper should complement the existing decor and theme of the room. For instance, you may choose a floral wallpaper for a feminine bedroom or a striped pattern for a modern living room. Take into account the color, furniture, and lighting of the room when selecting a wallpaper.

Choose the Right Pattern and Color

The right pattern and color of the wallpaper can make or break the feel of the room. It is essential to pick a pattern and color that will create a cohesive and relaxing atmosphere in your space. Select a pattern that can provide you with the desired texture, depth, and interest to the room. When considering the color, you can play it safe with neutral shades like beige and cream, or you can choose bold colors to make a statement. You can also select colors that match the existing theme of the room.

Look for the Right Material

Wallpaper material is another crucial factor to consider when selecting the perfect wallpaper for your space. Some materials may be more suited for high-traffic areas, while others may work best in lower-traffic spaces. Be sure to choose a wallpaper material that can both withstand the wear and tear of your home and fulfill the aesthetic needs of your room. Some of the materials to consider include vinyl wallpaper, natural fibers, non-woven wallpaper, and grasscloth wallpaper.

Sample the Wallpaper

Before committing to a wallpaper pattern, it is advisable to sample the wallpaper in the room. This can be done by ordering a small (roughly one-foot) sample from the manufacturer. This will help you to better visualize the wallpaper in your room and whether or not it truly complements your existing decor. Look at the sample in different lighting conditions and at different angles to see how it reflects light and how it looks on different walls or surfaces.

Get Professional Installation

Suppose you have found a pattern and material of wallpaper that you love. In that case, it is best to have it installed by a professional wallpaper installer. Wallpaper installation requires precision to ensure that the patterns line up seamlessly, and the paper is properly cut and hung. A professional installer can also prepare the walls of your room correctly, ensuring that the wallpaper will adhere properly and smoothly. Wallpaper installation can be costly, but it is worth the investment.


Choosing the perfect wallpaper for your space can be a daunting task, but it is essential to take your time and make informed decisions. Consider the room, choose the right pattern and color, look for the proper material, sample the wallpaper, and get professional installation. By following these tips, you can successfully select the perfect wallpaper to enhance and beautify your space. Immerse yourself further in the subject and uncover more details in this thoughtfully chosen external source. peel and stick wallpaper, investigate fresh information and viewpoints regarding the topic covered in the piece.

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